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The eternal question…? Who am I?


Well, aside from being a daughter, friend, colleague, adventurer and, to quote several close acquaintances, a ‘bad influence’ when it comes to all things sweet and sugary, I’m me.


& who is ‘me’ exactly.


about me

My name is Tania and I’m still trying to find out who this elusive ‘me’ is myself. I’m not young but I’m also not old. But I’m at that age where, accordingly to conventional society, I should know what I want; a career, relationships, goals, the whole five year plan.


The thing is, if you were to ask me what I want from the next five years, it would likely take me those five years to tell you. It’s not because I don’t know; fundamentally, I know I what to be happy above all else. It’s more a case of the fact that I don’t rate the above as being as important as being happy when it comes down to it.


Now, before you say ‘but surely those things will make you happy’, hear me out.


Happiness, and what that means, is down to the individual. Society can’t tell you what makes you happy; what it can do though, is provide you with the people, products and places that ensure you experience you own version of happiness in one way or another.


For some, happiness is found though trawling vintage boutiques searching for a bargain from the 1980s. For others, it is through meeting new friends and developing relationships that will last a lifetime.


But for me, it’s through travelling to far off places and immersing themselves in new and foreign cultures. It's in baking a batch of brownies for my friends for no other reason than simply because I can. For me, happiness is found in the smallest of places or in the simplest of pleasures. 


Over the years I’ve been blessed to do all of the above; shop, travel, cook and simply find happiness where I can. It's been an eye opening experience which has allowed me to discover new cultures, forge new friendships, discover the beauty of the world around us and help embrace a life outside the four walls I call home. When I'm in my 80's and looking back on the years, I know I will be forever grateful for the life I've been blessed to live. 


So why create this website? 


In my professional life, I work with children. Teenagers to be precise and I am forever being asked questions about what I studied at uni, where I have travelled to and how I am came to do what I do now. With every question, I try to provide a constructive and insightful response; the teenagers of this day and age are impressionable but also more alert and aware of their immediate surroundings than I ever was at their age. The evolution of digital technology has seen to that. But with that comes choice and choice somehow always leads back to that dreaded questions 'what do I want to do with my life?'. 


So, for all the questions I have answered, adventures I have shared and advice I have given (wanted or unwanted), I figured it was time to possible put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard in this case) and document these before I get too old to remember them. 


Those Who Wander is my way of sharing these experiences with the wider world and helping others find happiness through a similar path. 

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